Ready to Burn Certification Scheme

From the 1st May 2021 The Government has introduced legislation requiring wood sold in quantities of less than 2 cubic meters to be certified by an appointed body as having a moisture content of less than 20%. We do not to participate in this scheme and as a result do not sell our logs in quantities of less than 2 cubic meters.

You can find out more here

We believe the scheme does have several benefits to the consumer, not least ensuring correct measures are used (a long term bugbear of ours). However, it is extremely expensive and administratively burdensome to the point of being uneconomic for a small, local producer such as ourselves. Our joining the scheme would result in price increases of 10 – 15% which, of course, you as the end customer will end up paying. Better we continue selling our excellent product at good prices and providing great value for our customers.

Please also see our reasons why air drying is better than kiln drying here